The concept that mindfulness leads to happiness is an ancient idea that has been rediscovered and validated today. This book analyses Valluvar’s writing on the mind and its development in a unique way. Starting with Thirukkural’s first chapter, the author draws upon many of the work’s couplets and connects them with mindfulness in a clear and simple fashion. He draws parallels between Valluvar’s couplets and modern psychology, supporting his ideas with references to the scientific literature. The discussion is enriched with real-life anecdotes, enhancing the book’s practical applicability to daily life. We learn about Valluvar’s guidelines for the development of a happy and healthy citizen who is regarded as a role model in society. This book is a must-read for students of Tamil philosophy and psychology.
I am sure the book will throw new and refreshing insights into Thirukkural
With best wishes from all of us in VoV Family
Voice of Valluvar Family