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Life Skills for New Generation Officers

I received invitation from Additional Director General Thiru MG Tamil Valavan IRS , National Academy of Customs, indirect Taxes and Narcotics, Chennai to address the newly joined inspectors Examiners.

Yesterday, I conducted two sessions for the 60 new officers who joined our department. it was from 10:30 AM to 1:15 PM, on the topic “Life Skills for New Generation Officers.”

Expected Learning Outcomes: Develop the ability to adapt, communicate, and make ethical decisions in complex and dynamic environments while fostering teamwork, resilience, and personal well-being.

The sessions were interactive and conducted in English.

My talk centered around…

Case studies,current affairs, Gandhian principles, insights from the Life of industry experts like Ratan Tata, challenges faced by our department , officers who inspired me and their approaches to overcoming them,

Spirit of public service and the commitment to building a strong and prosperous nation grounded in virtue, Threats & challenges faced by India from within and outside ,

Necessity of having sound knowledge.. purpose of knowledge. Soldiers at the Economic/ borders . Ensuring physical security, economic security of the country

Knowledge is Power ,Wealth,Fortress, weapon..

Power is to Serve people

Knowledge brings with it 2 choices…
Ego.. Humility.. we need to choose the second option..

personal ethics, and humanistic values as extolled in the Thirukkural.

It was a very satisfying day of knowledge sharing and passing the baton to Gennext.

Thanks to MGT and Team NACIN

ஆள்வினையும் ஆன்ற அறிவும் எனஇரண்டின்
நீள்வினையால் நீளும் குடி.

This couplet emphasizes that a family’s / society’s prosperity and longevity are achieved through the combination of diligent effort and profound knowledge. By persistently applying both, one’s lineage will flourish and endure.